Why choose us

Excellent after sales service & best price assured!

Best Quality

We believe in Quality and it is a result of our high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution.

Exceptional Service

We provide effective & exceptional customer service. With this history we have created overwhelming customer loyalty. This level of customer relationship affects the bottom line during good economic times and bad.

Competitive Prices

Our customer trust us not only for our quality machines but also for its competitve prices

Customized Solutions

We design & manufacture special purpose test instruments as per customers requirement

our products

We package the products with best services to make you a happy customer.

Leeb Hardness Tester HL 500

Webster Hardness Tester

Micro Vickers / Knoop Hardness Testers

Barcol Hardness Tester

Concrete Hammer

Hardness Tester spare

Analog Shore A Hardness Tester

Brinell Hardness Tester Optical

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